Ambrogio Robot Mowers
Ambrogio robot mowers are sold here on our web site (scroll down) and worldwide through importer partners and their dealer networks. This video highlights the brilliance that is evident in the 4.0 NEXT Line, compared to the Husqvarna 430x. Watch the video here:
The above video is courtesy of the importer/partner in the UK, Mower Magic.
Other unique features:
- Ambrogio is the only robot mower brand that takes care of pets. Ambrogio owners may purchase the Amico pet accessory for Amico-equipped models
- Ambrogio is the only robot mower brand that allows multiple robots to work together for optimal performance (Infinity System)
- Ambrogio is the only robot mower offering self-leveling: NEXT Line, including 4.0 Elite, Basic and 4.36 and L250 robots.
Zucchetti Centro Sistemi is internationally recognized for innovation, winning numerous awards. Most noteable are:
- Ambrogio: The Gold Medal award, Gardenia Fair 2018 for most innovative and functional solution
- Prize of Prizes for Innovation, established by the Prime Minister's cabinet of Italy, 2010 & 2014
The recognizable Ambrogio logos, the "A" and the official Ambrogio logo, are the two symbols that represent prestige, high quality and that the purchaser has made a good choice. #ChooseAmbrogio is the Instagram hashtag that leads to stunning Ambrogio robot photos and information.
Over 200,000 Ambrogio robot mowers have been sold to-date. Why wait? Join the many satisfied owners and purchase yours today. Learn more at the Ambrogio robot lawn mower site. Visit our store to browse Ambrogio robot mower models we carry now.
Looking for a dealer? We have brick and mortar dealers in Upper Midwest states, and, dealers who serve the entire country. See our dealer locater here:
We are actively recruiting new dealers! Interested? Apply now!
We also support DIY customers. The best way to start is to purchase the Ambrogio Robot Professional Installation Guide on Amazon to learn how to correctly install Ambrogio.
Visit the link at the photo below to securely provide your address and contact information. It will be held confidential and used only for the purpose of determining which robot model is best. We will respond with a free property survey!
Not ready to jump in but want to stay connected? Subscribe to "The Robot Lady's Blog", the blog of our company President and Founder.
Ambrogio Robot mowers are the top brand of robotic lawn mowers in the world! Manufactured since 2002 in Italy, Ambrogio Robot was one of the first three brands sold in Europe in the early days of robotic mowing and is still very popular in Europe today!
Max Distributing (importer & distributor), in partnership with Zucchetti Centro Sistemi, the manufacturer of Ambrogio robots, has brought Ambrogio to the USA and Canada to enable Americans and Canadians the privilege of owning one of these fantastic machines! Paradise Robotics is an Authorized Distributor of Max Distributing. We have a dealer network ready to serve you!
No dealer in your area? Contact us. Qualified customers across the USA may purchase from us directly.
Learn about Ambrogio robots on our web site, or, contact us now!